In February 2020, Span Arts brought people of all ages together to sing. Featuring Côr Pawb, Everybody’s Choir and Narberth A Cappella Youth Group, they raised their voices in union across Pembrokeshire.
Yn Chwefror 2020, daeth Celfyddydau Span â phobl o bob oed at ei gilydd i ganu. Gyda Chôr Pawb a Grŵp A Cappella Ieuenctid Arberth, yn codi eu lleisiau mewn undod ar draws Sir Benfro. Funded by / Ariennir gan Arts Council of Wales / Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru National Lottery Community Fund / Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol Pembrokeshire County Council / Cyngor Sir Penfro
The film documenting the project was directed by Ruth Jones